Saturday, October 17, 2009

Done by: Yuki

StarSky & Yuki

Shuji & Katsuke

HETHZILEO & Wahidah, Michelles & Eurica

StarSky & Yuki
After a few months break, HETHZILEO had their first performance at Manjusri Secondary School, Graduation Day 2009. StarSky was not on his form yesterday but everthing was fine. Then went for HETHZILEO's outing at night & drank some. What makes StarSky pissed off was the small bottle of Heliken at the pub that cost him $14!
StarSky: "What the hell! For this small bottle of Heliken I can actually bought 2 big bottle of Heliken at the coffee shop"
When we reach the 7-11
StarSky: "What the! I can actually bought 3 cans here!"
StarSky will never go pub anymore!